Sunday, October 26, 2014

Laryngitis in the Homeschool

I watched Mom's Night Out for the first time, the other day and the movie started off with the mother typing an entry into her blog.  All of a sudden, being a mom blogger seemed kind of dorky.  If that's true, then I own it.  I'm a dorky mom blogger.  I love to write, and it's a fun way to release tension after a day of doing whatever it is that I did all day long.  My posts have been falling behind, because I've been so busy, but I'm here for now.

For starters, I caught a mild cold.  Since I take colloidal silver and am on a low sugar diet (due to diabetes), my illnesses don't last long, but it left me with laryngitis for about a month.  I didn't have a sore throat, was not coughing, sniffling, or anything else.  I just couldn't talk.  That makes homeschooling a lot more interesting.  I urge CHALLENGE you to teach your kids for a month without talking.  Come teach MY kids for a month without talking.  I have a two year old, six year old, fifteen year old and nineteen year old.  

Actually, my two oldest kids are independent and don't need me as much.  There are parts of my fifteen year old's homework that she needed help with, but she was a trooper and just skipped those areas and did extra work in other areas until I was back in action.  My six year old loves her Easy Peasy curriculum and was very angry with me on days that I couldn't do it with her.  I realize that first grade on Easy Peasy is meant for those that can read independently, but Tarja isn't quite there, yet, and I'm not worried about it.  She's learning to read at her own pace.  However, that month that I couldn't read to her was a real drag.  My two year old is a horse of another color.  She learns her ABCs and a few other things on  My duty during that month was to let her sit on my lap and let her fingers do the clicking on whatever random stuff she found that looked interesting.  Her favorite letter is A, because she loves apples, but she did finally play with more of the letters.  Learning was present.  She didn't need me for anything except to help with the clicking.

So that's that.  I am a dorky mom blogger that loses her voice about twice a year.  We press on.

Have a Great Day!
Laurel Santiago

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