For the first time ever, I entered a pie in the pie auction and a green salsa in the salsa festival at our annual Monahans Butterfield Festival. Tarja helped me make the salsa, so I shared my prize of a gift certificate to her favorite restaurant, along with two Pecos cantaloupes and a giant watermelon from Mandujano Brothers.
Next, we attended the ribbon cutting of our new Rattlesnake Bomber Base Museum. If you are interested in learning about the Enola Gay, you might be interested in learning about the Rattlesnake Bomber Base, that used to be very near where we live.

I don't have any pics for the pool party, but one of my friends rented the pool just for fun, and we went and did have lots of fun.
One of my twirlers had her Quinceanera yesterday. It was a beautiful service and party.
This morning, we had our first ever, Family Life Challenge clothing swap. It went so well that we are planning to have another one in October, when moms will be looking for Halloween costumes and accessories.
We stayed busy, had fun, socialized and learn a lot about a lot of things in the world. That was easy!

Have a Great Day!
Laurel Santiago
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